About BeetBase?
Established in 2023, BeetBase is the USDA-ARS web-based sugar beet database. It provides germplasm
characterization information including genotyping, phenotyping and whole genome sequencing
datasets, genome assemblies and annotations as well as providing powerful computational tools
to efficiently utilize this genomic information. It is aimed to bring the usefulness of
publicly available dataset by parsing data through established workflows and provide the
dataset in an easy-to-use format. BeetBase version-1 will include phenotypic data from
GRIN as well as Rhizoctonia Crown and Root Rot resistant data from Fort Collins USDA-ARS
sugar beet genetics lab since 2004. BeetBase will continue to be updated with other types
of dataset and analysis tools such as haplotype mining, synteny analysis between multiple
reference genomes, germplasm data mining and inventory, disease rating scales along with
classification tools, and sugar beet breeding management toolset. We envision BeetBase
will dramatically enhance data reuse and will prove to be a foundational resource for the
sugar beet research community.